Saturday, November 23, 2013

Backyard Bound 2013-14 Planning Summit

Backyard Bound is coming!

Every year, teens from around the Bay Area come together to develop outdoor activities and workshops in preparation for an annual event called Backyard Bound held at the Rob Hill Campground. 

Teens from as far as Palo Alto woke up and drove to San Francisco where they were engaged in outdoor activities similarly held at the former Backyard Bound events, but lead by Crissy Field Center staff. Grace, the Outdoor Specialist, lead an epic cook off and former IYEL Alum, a current NPS ranger, Maria Jose lead an intense Healthy Parks Healthy People boot camp workout and ended with a hike to nearby Inspiration Point. All in all, it pumped up their audience and got us excited to lead one too! After lunch, I-YEL members came straight from their ACT tests to join the summit team in an all-out discussion on the positives and negatives of last year's summit. The next day we woke up, jumped back into our seats, and started choosing the workshops we wanted to lead for next year around the concepts of environment, society, and community.

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